Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What To Expect

          You should know that you're about to embark on an educational journey that will transform your life in ways you can't even imagine. Is it a serious commitment in terms of time and money? You bet it is! Aren't you worthy of such an investment? The Robert Patterson Studio is a place for serious actors to be trained in a complete way. It is not a place to find out about Acting, or a place to go to decide whether or not you want to be an actor. It's a place to learn Acting as a complete craft and as one continuous action, so you can go and act with confidence, and never need to worry about relying on a teacher again. It's also a place which makes professional study affordable to those of average means.
           Professional Acting study requires a lot of hard work in and out of class, and any Acting School that tells you differently, is simply interested in taking your money and playing on your dreams. At the Robert Patterson Studio, if you conduct yourself professionally and just do the Work, you'll finish the class with all the tools you need to have a successful Acting career. You may not understand or fully comprehend the Work during the learning of it, but the comprehension will come later from the doing of it, as you employ your craft. Remember this - everything comes out of what you do.
          You wouldn't expect to get a College Degree by taking one class a couple of times a week without doing any homework would you? Of course not! You'd expect to go to school for 4 years and study hard, with summers off, and to take a great variety of required courses. Well, by the same token, you can't expect to have complete, classical Acting training without making the acquisition of such training your job and your focus for a few years. It requires Dance to train your physical instrument, and Speech and Voice to fully exploit your vocal potential. It also requires schooling yourself completely in all the mediums in which you'll work - Theatre, Film, and Television.
           One important thing to remember is, when you sign a contract to study at the Robert Patterson Studio, you're not signing a contract for the full 28-months of class all at once. The initial period of the contract runs for four months, and a student is free to withdraw after four weeks without further liability. At the end of the first 4-month period, the contract is renewed over two more 4-month periods through the end of the first year. The remaining 16 months of class time are split into two 8-month periods. Therefore, there are 5 opportunities for students to withdraw during the run of the 28-month course without financial liability, and any liability is always limited to the unused portion of a contractual period in which a student leaves. Overall, the terms of the contract are very fair, and the cost of studying Acting at the Robert Patterson Studio is among the most reasonable of all the major New York Acting studios.
           Completion of the Professional Program at the Robert Patterson Studio effectively compresses about 15 years of study into 28 months of class time. The 28-month timeframe does not include Summer vacations or Christmas breaks, so the actual realtime commitment is about three years. You should expect this program to be among the most difficult challenges you've ever faced, and also the most rewarding, since the most important thing you'll learn is that your own abilities far exceed what you, yourself, believe you're capable of.
          If this sounds a bit overwhelming, it can well be, so the best thing to do is to prepare yourself fully by starting Speech and Dance classes prior to beginning your Acting study, as well as acquiring all the books on the required reading list and reading them in order. Then, try to get that contract, and get ready for the ride of your life.

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